Contact Us

4 Accommodations / Condos, 1 studio, 3 studio + extra room.
Each with private covered patio table + seats for relaxing.

to book Email
To Book Call/sms or WhatsApp
+33 763 60 06 07
Our Location
3 Avenue des Alpes 06600 Antibes – Ground floor Villa
Check-in call/sms or whatsapp
+33 665 816 666

How to go there -Bus Transport-
From Railways Station go to -Pole Échange- cross railways with walk bridge take Bus 8, stop at “Roi Soleil” then walk 100m, to- 3 Avenue des Alpes 06600 Antibes
Transport BUS # 8 at 100 m from your studio
By feet from your studio, you follow “Vieux chemin de St-Jean” to Antibes Centre- place De Gaulle or Old city, or to the Railways Station or “Bus central Pole Échange”